Sarah Stein

Executive Director

About Me

Sarah Stein Miss EfficiencySarah has a serious numbers crush and seeks out the efficiencies in everything. A quick study, Sarah is constantly looking for the best solution for her clients through innovation and technology and believes the key to a successful business is systems and support.

Sarah loves numbers and analytics and uses data to identify trends and opportunities. She works with clients to understand their needs and develop data–driven strategies that will help them reach their goals. In addition to developing and analysing data strategies, Sarah provides insights into how businesses can better leverage technology.

She is always looking for ways to improve processes and increase efficiency. With her strong technical background, Sarah is able to quickly identify problems and develop solutions that can help clients reach their goals.

My Story

Sarah has a keen brain for business and has been working with numbers for over 20 years. She has integrated her passion and vision to create a business that has stood the test of time through fierce commitment and an appetite to succeed.

When she’s not slipping jabs in the boxing ring, you’ll find Sarah planning her next epic adventure with her family.

Work Hours: Monday-Friday, 9.00am-3.00pm, QLD time.




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Get In Touch

We’re a team of fun loving mums, adventurers, musicians, animal lovers, theatre goers, gym junkies. We approach work and play with fun, focus, commitment and curiosity, using what we learn in and out of the office to eradicate financial stress. We encourage each other to explore, find new and improved ways of doing things, have fun, and constantly strive for the best possible outcomes for our clients.